May the MH Hub be with you

4 min readSep 21, 2021


The launch of the Menstrual Health Hub community platform is finally live — and it’s quite the bloody force

By the Madami / MH Hub team

The start of our journey

In 2016, one of our co-founders Danielle Keiser envisioned an online home for the menstrual movement where period enthusiasts, volunteers and professionals could connect and collaborate to create a transformative impact on gender equality as a whole.

She dreamed that by expanding menstrual activism beyond 28 May, Menstrual Hygiene Day, we could create a truly global movement of menstrual warriors all working in unity to prioritize the menstrual health needs of women, girls and those who menstruate everywhere.

In early 2017, Danielle met Mariana de la Roche and Milena Bacalja Perianes. Together they aligned visions to transform this dream into a reality. Joined by an incredible team and volunteers throughout the last 5 years, we have been creating a world where menstrual health is a priority in the fight towards gender equality.

Madami / MH Hub co-founders: Milena Bacalja Perianes, Mariana de la Roche, and Danielle Keiser

As our team grew, so did our dream. Menstrual health and the menstrual cycle are the entry point to women’s* health across their life cycles, and increased menstrual cycle literacy can be an incredibly powerful tool to enable informed health decision-making, mental health and wellbeing, and facilitate more equal participation in society.

By prioritizing menstrual health — this world stands a chance to positively transform the lives of half the population.

Over the past five years, the Menstrual Health Hub has been an organization committed to advocating for exactly this. Year-in and year-out, we have been working to elevate the menstrual movement to heights unfathomable at the start of our journey. 54 Menstrual Memos later, our mission has always been clear- to improve communication, connection and collaboration across the menstrual health space.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Every day we are in awe of the number of extraordinary people and organizations dedicated to making menstruation matter. Thanks to period pioneers like the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, Ruby Cup, WaterAid and WASH United, periods have truly moved from the margins to the mainstreams.

We are absolutely honored to stand in solidarity with the rockstars and champions working in this space.

While our brand and our work has expanded to Madami, our belief in a professionalized and connected menstrual movement remains central to the ability of all of us to realize one of society’s most spectacularly unmet needs: ideal menstrual health for population. That’s why we are excited to announce that through the new MH Hub digital platform, we will be able to facilitate greater collaboration, integration and professionalization of menstrual health as an industry, a field and a sector.

A thriving future for the menstrual movement

Thanks to our amazing tech partners at, the MH Hub is world’s first global, digital networking and knowledge platform dedicated to menstrual health. It is an innovative community of purpose designed for menstrual professionals and enthusiasts, donors and investors, organizations and businesses alike. Modelled on the best features and innovations of existing social media platforms, we hope to create something truly unique and valuable to the global feminist movement.

Landing page for the new MH Hub —

Initially the platform will focus on mapping and connecting menstrual health actors through distinct profiles that enable organizations and individuals to help each other out, identify new partnerships and transfer knowledge and skills.

But in time (and, as you know), we like to dream big.

From individual and thematic-based chat functionality, e-learning modules, and an app version of the platform, to offering a global femtech marketplace and crowd-investing forum to help move more capital into menstrual health.

The possibilities are endless.

Photo by Valentin Salja on Unsplash


We hope you will join us on this journey because (as you also know), we are stronger together.

Together we can live a pain-free world where everyone is comfortable talking about periods.

Together, we can live in a world where women and girls* everywhere have affordable access and the freedom to choose their period products, and not be given hand-outs and forced to use uncomfortable materials.

Together, we will work to make certain that more solutions are designed and built with Women-Centered Design in mind.

Together, we will ensure more capital is moved into menstrual health.

Together, we, Madami, are changing the world for the better, one menstrual cycle at a time.

Join us at to be a part of this revolution. PERIOD!

We encourage all those who signed up to the MH Hub to show their pride as official members by posting to their website and their social media

Social media toolkit and images here.

  • Not all people who menstruate identify as women or girls, and not all women or girls menstruate.

Learn more about our strategic services and social impact projects at




Madami is a purpose-driven advisory & innovation agency specializing in femtech, sextech and gender lens investing